Knight of Columbus
Blood Drive / Dona Sangre
Blood Drive / Dona Sangre
The Knights of Columbus and the St. John Neumann Health Ministry will be hosting a blood drive on April 21, 2024. / Los Caballeros de Colón y el Ministerio de Salud de SJN tendrán campaña de donación de sangre el 21 de Abril.
Knights of Columbus Council 7901
Knights of Columbus Council 7901
We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 2723 Nelwood Drive.
We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 2723 Nelwood Drive.
You can reach us by calling Sir Knight (Mr Cippy) 713-516-5354.
You can reach us by calling Sir Knight (Mr Cippy) 713-516-5354.
As of 2018, there are 1,967,585 members around the world. Membership is limited to practicing Catholic men aged 18 or older. The order consists of four different degrees, each exemplifying a different principle of the order. The nearly 15,000 councils, including over 300 on college campuses, are chartered in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, and around the world. The Knights' official junior organization, the Columbian Squires, has more than 5,000 circles, and the order's patriotic arm, the Fourth Degree, has more than 2,500 assemblies.
As of 2018, there are 1,967,585 members around the world. Membership is limited to practicing Catholic men aged 18 or older. The order consists of four different degrees, each exemplifying a different principle of the order. The nearly 15,000 councils, including over 300 on college campuses, are chartered in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, and around the world. The Knights' official junior organization, the Columbian Squires, has more than 5,000 circles, and the order's patriotic arm, the Fourth Degree, has more than 2,500 assemblies.
Pope John Paul II referred to the order as the "strong right arm of the Church" for their support of the church, as well as for their philanthropic and charitable efforts. In 2018, The Knights gave $185,682,989 directly to charity and performed over 75,640,244 man-hours of voluntary service.
Pope John Paul II referred to the order as the "strong right arm of the Church" for their support of the church, as well as for their philanthropic and charitable efforts. In 2018, The Knights gave $185,682,989 directly to charity and performed over 75,640,244 man-hours of voluntary service.